Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Book Barn

Somewhere, in the wilds of the world, there is a magical hidden place called...The Book Barn.  Few have heard of its majesty but those who make their pilgrimage come back forever changed.  And poorer.  But with more books than they had before.  So you know, it's all good.

And what's even better, is that this place of astonishment is having a sale!  30% off!  And when I tell you their regular prices, your jaws will spontaneously drop so low, people in China will wonder what's with all the extra jaws.  Or they'll run around screaming as ground erupts under their feet as inexplicable human jaws shoot towards them.  Seriously, what would you do if that happened?

But back to regular prices: paperback books $1.  Most hardcover or larger paperbacks $4.  They're all used, of course, but some more gently than others and it's possible to buy books that have barely had their cover's opened.  And the place is ginormous: their main site has several buildings that each house a different section of books, but that's not all--they had to expand to several other stores nearby because they had too many books!

I usually try to set myself a price limit when I go there, just because it would be terrifyingly easy to spend all of my money there.  But today, there's a sale!  It'll be even easier to spend all my money!  Yay!

So excited so excited so excited....

Books books books books books....

Drat.  I need more bookshelves.  :)

1 comment:

  1. So, this amazing place is in CT?

    Will I need to plan a pilgrimage come better weather?
