Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ender's Game: the movie

Now, whenever I hear they're making one of my favorite books into a movie, I get skeptical.  (Except Hobbit.  Peter Jackson, you have a free pass) It's so easy to ruin a good book it's not even funny.  But there's something so magical about movies that we beg and pray for our favorite books to get the big screen treatment, even when we know deep down that we'll be looking at a wasted two hours of our life filled with lots of regret.

It was years ago when I first learned that Ender's Game was being considered for the big screen.  And I mean years.  So many years in fact, that people were still tossing Haley Joel Osment around as a possible lead.  (kind of glad that never went forward, sorry Haley).  If I had to put a number to it, it's probably been ten years at least--not unheard of in Hollywood circles and actually quite common for how long it takes a movie to really get going.

So what you need to be asking yourself is:
1. Where is my copy of Ender's Game so I can do a reread. 
2. Do I even want to bother?

That's a tough one, because just one member of this cast almost assures it instant geek-status:  Harrison Ford.

Yes, that's right, Harrison Ford himself is set to star as Colonel Graf (if you don't remember him, go do your reread, we'll wait), and even though I don't want to be, I'm already psyched!

!Harrison Ford!  Icon of my childhood!  Han Solo!  Indiana Jones!  Our nations most awesome president!
--Again with the exclamation points.
~You know, she has a point.  ('snicker.')

And the rest of the cast aren't something to sneeze at either.  (Imdb)  The kid set to play Ender is Asa Butterfield, whom I have unfortunately not seen in anything, but if reports are to believed, he's really good.  Now I need to go see Hugo.  (correction, I have seen him in something, I just don't remember his performance.  I was more focused on Sir Anthony Hopkins turning into a werewolf.  And yes, this means I actually watched The Wolfman.  Sad ending.)

But we've also got Abigail Breslin as Valentine, and Hailee Steinfeld as Petra!  I mean, come on!  Abigail Breslin has always been the cutest thing on two legs and now she's all grown up (sort of not really)  (just hope her transition to adult actor won't have as many drugs and car accidents as most) and she's really awesome!  And Hailee Stenfeld?  Did you see True Grit?!  That girl completely owned that movie and she deserved the lead actress oscar nom, not the supporting nom!  (is it bad that now I want a gold foil covered chocolate oscar statue that I can nom nom nom?)

And!  And!  We've got Ben Kingsley as Mazer Rackham.  Bit ironic, Ghandi gets to be the big bug killer.  Hee.

So if casting is anything to trust (not always true) we might have a hesitant 'it could be all right.'

>but we still don't know about the script, the director hasn't done anything all that good, the special effects will be terrible and there are so many ways to ruin a good cast.
~Oh look who's decided to join us.
>You know it's going to be bad.
~Who cares?  I'll see it anyway and laugh my head off.
!Harrison Ford is not to be laughed at!
~Did you even see Crystal Skull and the atomic refrigerator?
!Not listening!

Any thoughts?  Or conversely, what are your favorite movie adaptions of books?  And your least?


  1. Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley!!?!
    So good!
    But... it will only work if the special effects are spot on. And what if they mess up the story? I really want it to work, but... Sigh.
    I, too, am torn.
    Because Ender's Game deserves the best.

  2. What I'm most worried about are the Battle Room sequences. We're talking about a zero g fight environment, hard to do with kids. But I will despise them if they take the easy way out and do it all cg.
