Saturday, April 21, 2012

Crafts and Cleaning

Every so often I get one of those days where I feel inspired to do everything.

Or else I've just been putting it all off so long that it catches up with me.

Such was today.  :) 

I made a good start on my thread board--although I do believe I'd rather clean a whole gym's worth of toilets before I do a frame again.  They're evil.  Especially because I somehow miscalculated the amount of framing that I needed, so I had to cut my board down to fit the frames that I had.  Grrr.  But a little bit of sandpaper, a lot of glue, and some pretty copper and bronze and burgundy paint--not to mention a whole lotta nails--and I'll have the prettiest thread board ever.  :)  In about a week or so when I finish.

I also made good headway on a shirt re-design that I'm doing.  I was given a plain yellow blouse and I decided to do something interesting with it.  I cut it apart and redid the neckline to look something more like this:

 But without the skirt.  I think it'll be pretty nice when I'm done, so I'll try to post some pictures.

So much for the Crafty part of today.  But since the cleaning part is far less interesting, I will sum up with a few words: my room looks less like a disaster zone than it did.  Yay.  :)

Happy Birthday James MacAvoy!  Keep making fun films!  And even if you don't, yay for the ones you've made!

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