For all of you fascinated readers who are looking at your screens in confusion: no, Murgatroyd is not a word. Spellcheck keeps trying to insist that I mean purgatory. And as a point of interest, spellcheck does not recognize itself as a word. Ha.
I do wish to raise the question however: Is a name a word? Names qualify as nouns, and nouns are words, so are names words? Not in the conventional sense, I know, but do they qualify?
For the purpose of me having something to write a blog about, I will arbitrarily say yes. :)
It's a name! Not a very common one, though, although I think it should get a comeback soon. Mostly because it sounds like a 50 foot tall destroyer robot.
'Look out! It's the Murgatroyd!!!!!'
cue lots more screaming and running away.
someone gets stepped on.
laser eyes blow up a house.
You know, all the standard destroyer robot stuff.
And even if the kid hates being called an awesome destroyer robot name, there's even a good nickname: Troy. Troy's pretty solid as names go, and it's not overused either.
That's it. It's settled. One of you must now go out and name one of your future children Murgatroyd. Preferably a boy. It would just be too cruel to saddle a girl with that name.
And Happy Birth Day to Hugo Weaving and Robert Downey Jr! You make fun movies! Thanks!
But on a slightly sadder note, if we could all take a moment to remember our favorite Heath Ledger movie, because today was also his birthday. We miss you, Heath.
First: spellcheck thinks Murgatroyd should be purgatory. That is superb.
ReplyDeleteSecond: I've always thought Murgatroyd was a woman's name. I know it's a cruel one to call a girl, but I've never ever thought it was a boy's name. I wonder why.