I think clothes are boring. (pause while everyone tries to understand this statement)
The only point to clothing is to cover nakedness (oh social constructions, where would we be without you) and keep us warm (at least, for those of us in colder climates).
But our world is obsessed with clothing. So many colors and fashions and cuts and designers and sooo expensive and confusing that I'd far rather wear t-shirts and jeans for the rest of my life. At least they're comfy.
This isn't exactly a recent problem. I've always had trouble dressing up for events, even as a child. I just never see the point. I'm the same person no matter what clothes I'm wearing. What's the difference between jeans and a dress? Well, social constructions, and that's about it. People get offended when they think you're trying to be insulting by not dressing appropriately for their event. It's a politeness thing, mostly. I think.
I have a hard time reconciling this need to conform to what other people expect from you, with one of those important pieces of advice that adults give children and then are astonished when they actually follow up on it:
It doesn't matter what other people think about you.
What they really meant was that people can be cruel and mean for no good reason and that you can't let them get you down.
What I took it to mean is that for the rest of my life people are going to find something to dislike about me, so I might as well just be myself and find happiness being me. (not to say that I should try to be offensive to other people. I do believe in politeness)
So why should I care about what I wear? I'm far more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than anything else. Am I doomed to spend the rest of my life in misery whenever a formal event appears?
Nope. I have a solution!
It is a good solution.
What is the one place where fashion looks interesting, the place where you go 'I wish I could dress like that.'
The movies!
And guess what? You can dress like that!
This is how I make myself enjoy dressing up. I just imagine that I'm dressing up for a movie and suddenly my life becomes a whole lot more interesting.
Have to wear business attire to work? Don't be the middle-aged woman in an ill-fitting suit who you know owns five cats. Be the fun quirky middle-aged woman who looks half her age because she wears strange bits of bright colors along with her formal attire. Or you can be the good looking secretary. No one ever said business attire had to make you look like you're wearing a really well made sack.
Have to go to a formal/semi-formal party? You are now in a Bond film and your job is to look as good as possible in high heels and a backless dress and cool eyeshadow.
Are you confronted by an unseasonably hot day and you know you'll have to spend some time outdoors but you're worried for your pale complexion because you hate sunburns? (or maybe this one's just for me) Congratulations! Your closet can supply this need! Wear a ridiculously light long green skirt and a 3/4 sleeve white peasant neck shirt. Then top it off with a wide black belt around the waist and your evenstar necklace. (wait, you do all have one of these, right?) Voila! You are now a pirate adventurer heroine and can save the world and steal lots of gold all without having to get a sunburn.
Just pretend you're in a movie and suddenly everything you do takes on an air of glamor. And even if your outfit isn't perfect for the situation you're in, as long as you're happy and feeling good about yourself who cares what everyone else thinks? ;)
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