Saturday, April 7, 2012

What does God Cheese taste like?

Oftentimes I wonder how certain things were ever discovered.  The really really basic things, like whipped cream, butter, and cheese.  Before we knew they existed, who wanted to randomly take oodles of time and spend it sloshing milk around until something happened?  Sounds like a daft idea to me.  But somewhere along the way cream and cheese and butter were discovered.  How?

I asked my Dad this question and he answered that maybe God told the first people how to make cheese.  Good notion, but it makes me inconceivably sad.  Because somewhere along the way we've lost the recipe for God cheese, which was surely the most awesomely tasty cheese that ever existed. 


  1. According to nutritional anthropologists, cheese was discovered by a middle eastern travelling merchant who had put milk into a new calf stomach skin for a journey across the desert. When he went to drink his milk, out came what was basically cottage cheese. Cream was just the milkfat that floated to the top of the milk, whipped cream was discovered when the cream was over-mixed. Butter was discovered when whipped cream was even more over-mixed.

    1. I actually suspected this. It seemed to me the most logical way to discover butter/whipped cream was to have an accidental sloshing of milk in a container. And since he was a middle eastern man, he was probably traveling by camel, which would account for the lots of sloshing. :)

  2. God cheese pizza with pepperoni . Mmmm
