Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dre-e-e-e-eam, dream dream dream dream dre-e-e-e-eam....

So I had a dream last night. 

I know, right?  Amazing.

But unlike most nights where I dream, this one made me feel really uneasy waking up.  I felt like the dream had sunk dream-claws into my shoulders and was using me to tow itself around and freak me out.

What was this dream, you ask?  I tell you.

I'm in a throne room.  Maybe.  It's got a throne in it, and a King, so that qualifies, I guess.  But the decor is more stone-and-statues than oh-my-goodness-the-french-say-gold-chrome-is-in-this-year.  (Gilt all the things!)  So I'm talking to this guy/King and he's a little odd, and somewhere in the back of my mind I'm thinking he's Crazy King George of England so that makes sense (duh) and then I get even further proof when he starts talking to statues and skipping around etc.  Only the problem is, is that I can see the statues talk back and move and argue with him.  But I know he's Crazy King George so these are just his hallucinations---

(cap-locks are a necessity)

And then it gets even weirder as Crazy King George and one of his hallucinations start dancing around in an  acid trip version of Mary Poppins 'I love to laugh.'

And then I wake up, feeling really disturbed that I'd dreamed about someone else's hallucinations.  But then it got worse when I realized that if Crazy King George was a product of my mind, then technically all his hallucinations were mine too.

I am now slightly terrified of my brain. 

And I am never ever ever taking drugs.  'shudder.'

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