Thursday, March 15, 2012

Poem: Bite

Although I enjoy owning an iTouch, I have to admit that the feature I most appreciate on it (aside from holding all my music--correction, holding some of my music, grr 16 gigs) is the notepad.  Not only do I use it for writing down songs I hear on the radio I want to remember, or fabrics I might want to buy at the store, or random thoughts and words I don't want to forget--but I adore using it for spontaneous poetry. 

I've already featured a couple poems that I wrote using my iTouch.  There's just something about it that makes writing poems easy and fun.  You can write one while waiting in line at the DMV, doctor's office, mechanic's, and on and on and on.  Poetry for everyone!

This one is especially the product of my having taken poetry classes with Mark Stevick that amazing professor I had in college.  The rhythmic qualities, the repeated words and word sounds: all are things I learned from him.  Yay good teachers!


Gnashing hairs in an itching reaction
Disatisfaction attendant on
Easing into unease
I'm really not as calm as I appear
It's only a not-so-latent fear of being
By those who swore they'd never lose me
Every time that four letter word--
you know the one,
Begins with l and ends in safe--
Was said.
Tell me if you can feel a hovering
Where my heart lived

Cursed with an infatuation residing
In points all around,
I'm fed up with calm--
I guess you could say I've reached saturation
Been water-logged to the point
I'm considering suffocation as inevitability
Instead of possibility
It's really impossible to say how much
My lungs ache knowing
Doom Wyrd Fate
Stuck a needle in my soul
Long ago
Sewing prick-pin stitches 
In the shape of a fool who happens
(Very much)
To look like me

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