Congrats Michael Caine
On your distinguished career.
Please don’t ever die.
To Billie Crystal
On his 64th birthday:
The Oscars were fun.
Jamie Bell, so young,
I wish you the very best
And a long career.
Michael Caine is 79 this year. I think we all need to start putting in a bid for his immortality. I don't know what we'll do without him.
And just how bad were those haikus? Pretty bad, I'm thinking. I don't have much practice with them, so I guess it's normal that they're not very good. I just felt like I had to really express my happy birthday wishes. :)
And to everyone trying to remember what Haikus are all about, here's the wiki page.
The rest of you may now argue over whether or not I should have attempted to cite a real definitive website, or if a wiki is good enough. Enjoy.
I want to see limericks next time.