Thursday, May 3, 2012

Double Day!

Today is both Unintentional Double Day, and Actual Factual Twin Day!  Yay!!

(made up days are fun!)

Our stars of today's Unintentional Double Day are Sophia Myles and Yvonne Strahovski. 

 Sophia Myles      
Of the Underworld, Tristan and Isolde, and Outlander fame.  I love her.  I wish she was in more things.  sigh.

Mostly just the awesome tv show Chuck.

They bear more than a small resemblance to each other--so much so that I mistook one for the other in a movie.  Even though I'm really very good at recognizing actor's faces.  And as far as I can figure they're not at all related to each other.  Huh.

Now for our stars of today's Actual Factual Twin Day: Aaron Ashmore and Shawn Ashmore.

He was in Smallville and Warehouse 13 and other smallish movies.

 You'll know him from X-Men as Bobby--or if you're geeky enough to admit it--the Animorphs series or the Earthsea mini-series.

I was watching a funny little bad movie on Netflix (A Bear Named Winnie) and it had Aaron Ashmore in it.  His face felt so familiar and I finally realized that he was in X-men.  Iceman!  But no.  Imagine my surprise when I read the IMDB page and realized that it was his twin brother who was in X-Men.  Whoah.  And the even bigger shock was that I should have recognized him earlier because he plays Jinx in Warehouse 13 and I love that show so much!  But there you have it: twins.

(I would like to add a disclaimer about the photos of the Ashmore twins: I believe that they are indeed photos of each one--but I could be wrong.  Seeing as they're practically identical the Internet may have failed me and given me the same twin twice.  Ah well)

So glad that you could join me for Unintentional Double Day and Actual Factual Twin Day.  :)  May your life be similarly interesting.  :)

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